Shimara Carlow

My jewellery has been inspired by natural forms such as seedpods, flowers and bird's nests and I have created a body of work based on these forms observed in nature. I use silver, 18ct gold and precious stones to create my jewellery. Collections include 'Acorn Cup' and 'Cluster' where single or clusters of acorn cups are assembled to hang in long articulated chains, or sit in little clusters on rings. 'Wrap' includes silver and gold wire wrapped like bird’s nests to create rings, pendants and earrings with some set with diamonds. The series 'Engagement Rings' includes pieces that are simple yet unique and use the natural influences of my more decorative work.
Born in a remote coastal area in West Cork, Southern Ireland in 1979, Shimara Carlow completed a Bachelor of Arts with Honours (jewellery and silversmithing) at Glasgow School of Art in 2001. She then undertook a two year silversmithing and jewellery residency at the P & O Makower Trust Workshops, Bishopsland, Oxfordshire. After establishing herself in London, with numerous national and international exhibitions, including The V&A, Saatchi Gallery, London, Aaron Faber Gallery, New York and Alternatives Gallery, Rome, Shimara moved to Melbourne in 2008, where she set up a studio. Shimara now has numerous collections throughout Australia and continues to exhibit her work extensively in Europe.